Building Your Business

Nurturing Prospects

Nurturing campaigns or communications to prospects that keep your Plano TX Roofing business and services top of mind is a great Plano TX Roofing business practice for any company.

As a consumer, you are also inherently qualified to create your Plano TX Roofing business nurturing campaigns by following a few simple principals we’ll outline here for your success.

Greatness always begins with a goal, so what is your goal to grow your prospect database this year? A conservative number is generally 10-20%. Yet, setting a goal without a plan is a difficult task. So let’s revisit your goal after we share some tips and techniques that will help you grow your list of prospects.

Also, if you have a prospect newsletter you want to send out, some people will call this newsletter subscribers. Whether prospects or subscribers, be sure to know your definitions and use them consistently among your team and partners.

What is a Lead Magnet?

A Lead Magnet is based on a simple principle, give, and get. A Lead Magnet is a free and valuable offer of content given to prospects in exchange for them, leaving you their personal data (name, email, and telephone, generally).

You’ve likely encountered this, a time when you saw an offer but had to supply your email to receive the informational or trial offer.

How can a Lead Magnet be Used?

It can be part of a campaign to nurture your prospects. A Lead Magnet can send traffic to certain points on your blog: to posts you want to promote or to sales pages. It can serve to encourage sales of a product. For example: imagine you are going to take an intermediate level plumbing course. In this case, you can do a Lead Magnet that is a basic level plumbing course and give it to your visitors in exchange for their email. Once users have finished the basic course, as they will already have your emails, you can send them a newsletter encouraging them to take the intermediate course.


An offer

  • A discount
  • A demo
  • A webinar
  • A membership
  • An ebook
  • A PDF guide
  • A podcast
  • A checklist
  • An editable template
  • An online course
  • A video
  • ETC…

The Importance of Quality

Marketing and CRM companies commonly offer information to help businesses succeed if the individual will provide their email and answer a few quick questions. Now, it’s your turn to do the same for your company. All you need to do is figure out what info is important to your prospects.

Ten years ago, newsletter delivery was not as widespread as it is today. Not everyone offered them, and the user launched into giving their email without hesitating as much. Right now, there is an equation that is not very conducive to the growth of your database. I tell you, companies are increasingly asking users to subscribe to their newsletter. Users increasingly browse more, so they detect “request for data” by companies more. What are the results of all of this?

Users are becoming stricter when giving their data because they are tired of receiving SPAM or uncontrolled promotions without having given prior consent. So, they only give their data if some of these following requirements are met:

  • -If the brand interests them, and they want to receive their news; or
  • -If the brand (you know it or not) is offering them something of value that can be useful to them.

See our Next Blog Articles – Creating Your Plan and CRM Integration

In Creating Your Plan, you’ll learn

  1. Determine Audience Needs,
  2. Magnet (deliverable, or offer) Outline to develop (or create).
  3. Design Your Lead Magnet

In CRM Integration, you’ll learn how companies are bringing it together for their unique infrastructure.

Additional reading:

  • Working from Home – Is Your Sales Process Ready? Click here.
  • What Does it Mean to Work from Home as a Contractor? Click here.
  • Home Improvement Financing that Helps You Close More Business. Click here.
  • Over Communicate with Your Clients During COVID-19. Click here.